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February 08, 2007



I agree. I've had a hard time finding much quality on Craigslist. It can be a good resource but if you've ever placed an ad on there, you get very interesting (albeit entertaining) responses. Just look at some of the "best of craigslist" postings and you'll find some very interesting ads people have placed.

It's interesting with the Jobster partnership with Facebook, you'd think they'd want to charge more for their spot in the market?

Thanks for the insight!

bob wilson

Thanks for the feedback Rosie.

I think there's a sweet spot for ads in the $25 to $99 per month range ... low enough to be easily affordable for most businesses, high enough to discourage bogus ads, and short enough duration to ensure that old ads are automatically cleared from the system.

Bob :-)

Colin Kingsbury


We found our most recent hire through CL here in Boston, which is one of their $25 cities. The quality is inconsistent but almost every ad I've posted has received some quality responses, at less than 1/10th the price of a major board.

I also posted the same opening on Jobster. The traffic was not very high but I can give a pass on that for now, but the posting experience for me was very confusing. Maybe it's just me, but adding jobs and profile data was not as intuitive for me as I felt it should be.

bob wilson

Hi Colin. Thanks very much for posting about your experience with Craigslist and Jobster.

Bob :-)

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