Two weeks ago, I posted HotJobs Rated Unacceptable for Semi-Active Job Search, and a month ago, in my post 8th Best Site for Active Job Search – HotJobs, I said: “So much potential – such poor execution. Of the 10 sites in this comparison, HotJobs is the only site that disappointed me.”
Strong statements; and yet, no response from anyone associated with HotJobs. No emails asking for clarification, no comments posted in rebuttal … nothing. I have to wonder, is anyone home at HotJobs? Have they heard of blogs? Are they doing so well that they don’t care what is published about them?
With up-and-comers like Indeed, Jobster and SimplyHired, continued pressure from Craigslist, and new entrants Google Base and Windows Live Expo, HotJobs can ill afford apathy. Yet, they seem to have no direct social connection with the marketplace – no blog to create a dialog, no spokesperson posting feedback to industry blogs, and when was the last time a representative of HotJobs spoke at a major recruiting-related conference?
Joel Cheesman posits: “Typically, extinction is at the hands of a species smarter, more adaptive, stronger, etc. than those who came before.”
Jason Goldberg predicts “Within 3-5 Years, general job boards as we know them today will represent less than 2/3 of online job advertising spend; within 5-10 years less than half.”
Excellent points, both. Sometimes though, market trends and evolution play minor roles. Sometimes, simple neglect leads to an ignominious end.
HotJobs, is anyone home?